Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Euphemisms Go On

Channel surfing a few minutes ago, I watched "Cold Case" for a few seconds. The blonde woman said, "My favorite is when they drove a doctor off the road who just got down with a shift at the Women's Health Center."

My favorite is when people don't use euphemisms for atrocities, and portray the bad guys as bad guys and good guys as good guys. They were apparently using the term "doctor" as a euphemism for an abortionist, the opposite of a doctor. They were apparently using "Women's Health" as a euphemism for pre-natal murder (abortion), the opposite of health care. What's more, they were trying to portray the non-violent people, the pro-lifers, as violent, and the violent people, the abortionists, as being the victims of violence. There has never been a case where pro-lifers have tried to drive abortionists off of the road. However, when I non-violently speak the truth in front of abortion mills, it has happened several times that pro-aborts have driven up on the sidewalk trying to run me over, or to run over other non-violent pro-lifers. (The phrase "non-violent pro-lifers" is, of course, redundant.)

For more on violence by pro-aborts, see

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